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In April 2015, we Federated with Buxted CE Primary School and together we are known as South Ashdown Schools’ Federation.

Bonners Church of England Primary School & Nursery

Inspire & Aspire


Our ethos at Bonners is 'To be the best we can be', whilst developing a love of learning in our children, which we hope will last throughout their lives.

Inspire & Aspire

Inspired by God, we aspire to be the best we can be, so that we can live life to the full.

" I have come that they may have life to the full." ( John 10:10)

We do this by setting the highest standards for teaching and learning, and ensuring that every child is cared for and valued, all alongside promoting a true understanding of how our Christian faith and core values of Love, Kindness & Respect are woven through our everyday activities.