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Bonners Church of England Primary School & Nursery

Early Years




This section is designed to help parents and carers prepare children for one of the most important events of their lives – starting school.  It explains how talking and playing with children at home will help them in school.

 In addition, it gives parents and carers a greater understanding of the work children will be doing in school.  As a result, they will be better able to support their children as they adjust to the demands of learning in a new environment.

 How can you help your child’s development

Between birth and five years old, children develop very rapidly.  They gain a wide range of knowledge and skills.  They learn to observe, think, experiment, and express their ideas and to play and work with others.

 Parents and carers are the most important influence on their children’s development.  They have the greatest opportunity to provide their children with as wide a range of experience as possible, to watch their children closely and to help them learn.  They know their needs better than anyone else.

 School Lunches

Lunches are cooked on the premises and are very good.   All reception children are encouraged to stay for lunch; part timers are collected before 1.00 p.m.  This allows them to participate in a sociable part of the day in which the whole school is involved.

 Dinner money is paid through the website 'ParentPay'  Here you will be able to book a meal for your child.  Children can then make their menu choice on the day.  The cost of a lunch is presently £2.10.  For additional information, please go to 'School Menu' section under the 'Curriculum' tab above.

 Snacks and Refreshments

Children may bring a snack for morning break as it can sometimes be a long time from breakfast to lunch. Fruit and muesli bars are acceptable options, but no chocolate or crisps please.   All Foundation children received free milk through 'Cool to Milk' on a daily basis until they are 5.  Parents are then able to login to the Cool Milk website and pay directly should they wish to.                                                  

Physical Development

All children need to become confident in controlling and using their bodies.  Parents and carers can help children by:

  • Giving them ample opportunity to run, jump, climb and play in a safe environment
  • Providing a range of toys which help to develop their all round physical skills.

Ways to help your child prepare for school

  • Talk together about going to school, other children in the class, the teachers and the school day
  • Look at books together and talk about what happens in the books
  • Give your child lots of opportunities to draw and talk about the pictures together.  Say/sing nursery rhymes together.
  • Practise using numbers, count things together:  cars, tins, buttons – anything!
  • Help your child learn to put on/take off their own coat.
  • Encourage child to dress/undress independently.
  • Remind your child to ask to go to the toilet.
  • Talk about lunch times – will they go home/have packed lunch or school dinner?
  • Reassure your child if they have any worries.

           Starting school is a big thing – it’s different to what they’re used to. 

  • Talk about when you went to school (the nice things)
  • Talk about what they did when they visited.
  • Aim to put your child at ease – they will probably settle very quickly; we aim to help them to enjoy school right from the start!

The school is very keen to establish a strong partnership with parents and carers and to work with them to promote their children’s health, welfare and learning.  You are welcome to visit the classroom at the end of the school day so that your child can show you what they have been doing that day.  Any messages can be passed to the Class Teacher at the beginning of the day.  Class Teachers are generally available at the end of the day.  If you or your child have any concerns, please speak to the teachers; they will do their best to sort it out straight away.Links between the home and school

 Parents’ ,Teachers and Friends Association

Our school has a strong PTFA.  Parents are automatically enrolled when their child starts school.  By becoming involved, you will meet other parents and with children of a similar age to your own and learn how the school works.

 School Uniform

We have a smart school uniform, items of which can be purchased from the school website shop PMG School wear - PMG Schoolwear.  Our school colours are navy and white, with gold and green trim.   Our web shop sells school jumpers, P.E tops and book bags.  They also sell a selection of white shirts, navy skirts, navy P.E Shorts and grey trousers but these may also be purchased locally.  School ties can be purchased from the school direct.

These clothes are attractive, very functional and children can manage them very well indeed with a minimum amount of adult help.   We reserve the right to forbid items of clothing, accessories and footwear which are unacceptably dangerous in school or are against the interest of the children at large.  

 Children should keep a pair of standard plimsolls (not trainers) at school in a shoe-bag for games and PE.   It is helpful if garments are named as children strip to shorts for these lessons.   It is particularly important that outdoor clothing is marked.   For reasons of safety, all jewellery must be removed for physical education activities.

 Social Development

All children need help to develop their relationships with others beyond the immediate family.   They need to become aware of the needs of others and learn to take responsibility for their actions.  Parents and carers can help their children by:

  • Giving them opportunities play with other children
  • Encouraging co-operation and the taking of turns
  • Giving them the opportunities to communicate with adults beside their parents and carers
  • Allowing them to take an appropriate share in routines and small jobs at home                                                   

Emotional Development

Giving praise when they are successful, showing interest and pleasure in their progress, no matter how small the progress seems and emphasising success rather than failure 

Intellectual Development

Children gain new knowledge, understanding and skills at an amazingly rapid pace.  You can help your child by: 

        Listening to their accounts of events

  • Helping them to learn to speak clearly and logically about their experiences
  • Encouraging their natural curiosity and imagination
  • Developing their powers of concentration through games
  • Giving them confidence to learn
  • Helping them to solve their own problems