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Bonners Church of England Primary School & Nursery

Pupil Governors/Pupil Voice


Our Pupil Governors  

 Who are the Pupil Governors?

Pupil governors are a team of pupils from across the school who have been elected by their year groups to sit on our pupil governing body. This term, children who wanted to put themselves forward to become a pupil governor, presented their manifesto and campaign to their class. A general election was held in each class from R-YR6 and two candidates were chosen from each class. All voting was completed in secret. Votes were counted and the winners from each class were announced.


What is the overall aim of our Pupil Governing Body?

We want our Pupil Governors to have an active role in the decisions that are made around the school, developing greater responsibility.


What do the Pupil Governors do?

The Pupil Governors meet within each term, to discuss certain aspects of the school. The pupil governors make suggestions for future actions that they feel are important from feedback from the rest of their class and whole school gather groups.


We look forward to sharing some of the projects our governors will be working on this year. We wish them success in their roles this year.