Theology of our School Vision
Inspire & Aspire
‘I have come that they may have life to the full’
Inspired by God, we Aspire to be the best we can be, so that we can live life to the full.
At Bonners we believe that every member of our school community is unique, created in God’s image, and precious to Him. Christians are called to ‘love your neighbour as yourself’: this means that we have a responsibility to one another to look for, bring out, and encourage in one another the very best we can. Indeed, our School logo is 'Floreat Bonners' which means 'May Bonners flourish.' To be the best we can be, to ‘flourish’ and ‘aspire’ we need to welcome and employ in the life, work, and relationships of our school community the teaching, example, and Spirit of Jesus.
Our vision derives from our theological roots and is woven throughout school life. We work at everything with all our heart; striving to be the best we can be. This ensures the entire school community flourishes in an environment that celebrates learning and individuality, with everyone reaching their full potential; spiritually and academically.
Our Aim is:
- to provide a safe, happy, inspiring environment in which our children can become confident individuals who can positively face the successes and challenges of life
- to provide an education of the highest quality which ensures our children develop into successful learners, who can take their place in a constantly evolving world
- to ensure we all develop high standards; academically, socially, physically, and spiritually, within the context of the Christian faith
- to promote consideration of others, honesty and self-discipline in order that we are responsible citizens
- to celebrate all that we are and all that we can be
Our core Christian values: Love Kindness and Respect underpin our school vision and support each and every one of us to achieve to the best of our abilities, raising aspirations, confidence and self-esteem. For children, our vision and values are brought to life through our cross-curricular and creative curriculum, which is skills based and knowledge supported. We strive to offer a high quality, rounded education for our pupils in partnership with their families and the wider community.
Love – means treating others as you would want to be treated yourself and God encourages us to ‘love thy neighbour’ regardless of who they are.
Kindness: Children and staff at Bonners show kindness every day in different ways. One child explained kindness as 'a big family that never makes you upset.'
When thinking about the Bible, children recognise that kindness can be found in many parables and in the stories that Jesus told his disciples.
Respect- is about knowing and understanding that each and every one of us is valuable. In teaching the value of respect, we ensure that our children:
- Accept each other for who or what they are
- Understand that we are all different and that is ok
- Respect others by treating them as they wish to be treated
- Are able to take care of the things they have
- Are proud of who they are and celebrate this with confidence
- Think of others and the impact we can have on them
Love, Kindness, & Respect