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Bonners Church of England Primary School & Nursery

Covid Catch Up Premium

(COVID-19) Catch-Up Premium- 2020-2021

The government recognises that children and young people across the country have experienced unprecedented disruption to their education as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19). Those from the most vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds are among those hardest hit. The aggregate impact of lost time in education is substantial, and we need to ensure that children and young people recover and get back on track. Returning to normal educational routines as quickly as possible is critical to our school recovery.

Funding allocation

Schools’ allocations are calculated on a per pupil basis, providing each mainstream school with a total of £80 for each pupil in years reception through to year 11. Our allocation at Bonners CE Primary School is £8,800

Use of funds

We will use this funding for specific activities to support our pupils to catch up for lost teaching over the previous months. Our plan is detailed below.

The link below links to the official GOV.UK catch-up premium documentation.



         Coronavirus (COVID-19) Catch-Up Premium Plan 2020-2021


Success Criteria

·         To ensure that our children return to normal educational routines as quickly as possible, are supported by high quality teaching to recover and get back on track with their learning.

·         To use the Catch Up Premium flexibly for specific activities to support our children to catch up for lost teaching, in line with the guidance on curriculum expectations for the next academic year.

·         To ensure that our disadvantaged and vulnerable groups receive targeted support to catch up, in line with the evidence based approaches published by the Education Endowment Foundation in their support guide for schools 

·         To provide a sustained response to the coronavirus pandemic and  a longer-term contribution to closing the attainment gap

·         All pupils (particularly disadvantaged, SEND and vulnerable pupils) have received the catch-up support needed to make substantial progress by the end of the academic year as measured by termly and end of year assessments

·         Learning Walks and book scrutiny and Governor monitoring confirm quality classroom teaching is taking place, which has the greatest positive impact for all pupils and in particular disadvantaged pupils.

·         ·There has been a return to an ambitious and broad curriculum in all subjects from the start of the autumn term 2020.

 (£8,800 Grant)

Action Steps


Monitoring for Impact

Assess and Review

  • Set aside time to enable teachers to assess pupils’ wellbeing and learning needs
  • Complete assessments schedule, including formative assessment at the beginning of the academic year to identify particular areas where pupils have forgotten or misunderstood key concepts, to ensure that new material being covered builds on previous knowledge.
  • Use standardised assessments in English / Maths at the beginning of the year together with detailed pupil progress meetings carried out with all staff members including teaching assistants, to identify pupils who would benefit from additional catch-up support.
  • Formative assessment to be carried out in-line with our marking policy where verbal directed assessment enabling pupils can act directly on this feedback to move learning on for all pupils in evidence in all classes.   
  • Tracking carefully pupils starting points at the beginning of the year as part of pupil progress meetings to measure impact throughout the year in each subject.
  • An emphasis of reading to support the whole curriculum.  

Planning and next steps

  • Teachers Headteacher and SENCO will exercise their professional judgement to determine which pupils are in most need of support. Although this is likely to include many disadvantaged children and those from vulnerable groups, it is not exclusive to those children only
  • Provide all children with high-quality feedback, building on accurate assessment
  • Set up effective, structured interventions to ensure that support is well-targeted and to monitor pupil progress throughout all programmes.
  • Interventions may be delivered one to one or in small groups and may be led by support staff (with training) or teachers
  • A particular focus for interventions is likely to be in English and maths. Programmes will have the greatest impact where they meet a specific need, such as oral language skills or aspects of reading, include regular sessions maintained over a sustained period and are carefully timetabled to enable consistent delivery.
  • Interventions will also focus on other aspects of learning, such as children’s anxiety, mental health and  social and emotional needs.
  • Third Space Learning- NTP Tuition Partner Work
  • Through NTP Tuition Partners we will be able to access subsidised high-quality tuition from an approved list of providers.
  • Work with a provider to establish tuition groups and 1:1 sessions for those most in need of support
  • To ensure that the work is most effective, create a three-way relationship between tutor, teacher and children.  

Tutors for 1 to  1 and group support

  • Through quality first teaching children will gain the maximum impact and benefit. Gaps in skills and knowledge are identified in maths and English and targeted planned intervention is carried out for children across KS1 and KS2    
  • Programme of intervention is guided by the school, linked to the curriculum and focused on the areas where pupils would most benefit from additional practice or feedback.
  • Impact of this is measured regularly  








Part of our scheduling process- release time for staff to carry out PP meetings





























Headteacher account for how fund money is being used to achieve objectives by reporting to the FGB


Government  Guidance Quote from gov.uk

“Given their role in ensuring schools spend funding appropriately and in holding schools to account for educational performance, governors should scrutinise schools’ approaches to catch-up from September, including their plans for and use of catch-up funding. This should include consideration of whether schools are spending this funding in line with their catch-up priorities, and ensuring appropriate transparency for parents.”





Provide an enriched opportunity for the children when staff are meeting for PP meetings














Monitoring of intervention support by class teachers and at pupil progress meetings.

monitoring and evaluation of effectiveness of Tuition partner work termly tracking impact.






monitoring and evaluation of effectiveness of one to one tutor work termly tracking impact.



Reception Years Early Language Programme NELI


School taking part in this programme to support development of Early language.

Staff trained in this programme continue to use resources to support pupils in reception Class Identified with speech and language needs.


Speech and language support for year 1  

Cost £0

 Monitoring impact after the 20 week programme for focus pupils.   

The Department for Education is working with the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) and other partners to scale up delivery of the Nuffield Early Language Intervention (NELI).

NELI is a high-quality, evidence-based, 20-week intervention designed to improve the language skills of reception age pupils. It involves scripted individual and small group language teaching sessions, delivered by trained school staff, usually teaching assistants. Several EEF trials have found that NELI improves both children’s oral language and early literacy skills. A recent trial of the programme found that children made on average three months of additional progress compared to children in the comparison group.