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Bonners Church of England Primary School & Nursery




Inspire & Aspire

Inspired by God, we aspire to be the best we can be, so that we can live life in all its fullness.

" I have come that they may have life to the full." ( John 10:10)

At Bonners children have the opportunity to engage with an inclusive, lively and deeply embedded RHSE curriculum. Children are taught to self-reflect, in order to recognise, understand and manage their feelings. They develop an understanding of what it means to be safe and healthy in all areas of their lives, and the choices they make in relation to this. With empathy, kindness and an understanding of equality, they learn how to relate to one another respectfully. They develop an awareness of their rights and responsibilities within the diverse society in which they live. Through our RHSE curriculum, children at Bonners are able to flourish as individuals, members of their community, and as global citizens.




rse primary schools guide for parents 1 1 .pdf


rshe principles and charter 0 1 .pdf



bonners rhse scheme of work 1 .pdf


bonners policy summary for parents sep 20 rhse .pdf