School Day
The School Day
The school day begins at 8.45am with registration. (Doors are open from 8.35am). Collective Worship Assembly takes place everyday at 10.15am, followed a mid-morning break of 15 minutes for all children. Our younger children also have a 15 minute break in the afternoon.
Lunch break is between 12.00 noon and 1.00pm. Hot school meals are cooked on the premises with additional option of jacket potatoes. These may be ordered on a daily basis. Alternatively, children may bring a healthy packed lunch.
The end of the school day is at 3.15pm and teachers are on duty to ensure that the children are placed into the care of the collecting adult.
School Organisation
At Primary school level, our curriculum consists of three stages:
Foundation Stage (Reception) : 4 to 5 year olds
Key Stage 1 : 5 to 7 year olds
Key Stage 2: 7 to 11 year olds
Every class teacher delivers the whole range of curriculum subjects with the help of our team of learning support assistants. All the children have daily lessons in Mathematics and English. The remainder of the timetable is planned in a creative manner to ensure effective delivery of all subjects.
At various times through the year, we hold 'themed weeks' where a particular subject or topic is the focus of all our activities.
Each Class beginning learning at the beginning of a new topic with a 'Stunning Start' to and finishes with a 'Fantastic Finish'.
Curriculum/learning after coming back from COVID lockdown
Since this time, we have spend a significant period of time on personal, social and emotional development and the well-being of children. We anticipate that some may struggle with social engagement and settling back into friendships. Initial activities will focus on building up a strong sense of belonging within the class, easing the children back into routines, re-establishing school rules and spend time discussing
worries and concerns. We also want to focus heavily on the positives that a new year brings, the good things that have come out of this experience and our hopes and aspirations for the year.
During the first half of the autumn term, learning in core subjects (English and
Maths) will focus on ‘filling the gaps’ in learning from the previous year and reestablishing good progress.
The children will also experience a broad and varied curriculum to inspire and
engage them within their learning journeys. Your support in getting children back on track will be vital and I ask that you continue to promote reading and number facts/times table recall throughout the summer break to give children a flying start in September.
Securing the gaps in learning
Objective lists for each year group can be used to identify gaps in learning.
Key Stage Objectives
year1- Curriculum Overview in Maths and English
year2 - Curriculum Overview in Maths and English
year-3 - Curriculum Overview in Maths and English
year-4 - Curriculum Overview in Maths and English
year-5 - Curriculum Overview in Maths and English
year-6 - Curriculum Overview in Maths and English
National-Curriculum-Progression-Primary Maths 1-6 Objectives
We use White Rose Maths to organise our mathematics into units of work for children to learn, following a logical progression. For more about this, click
Maths Assessment 'I can' Tick sheets